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Asbestos Test Kit
Prevent Illness Caused by Asbestos by Testing The Air in Your Home, Room or Building. Use This Easy Kit to Detect Asbestos Dust & Fibers, Includes Full Lab Analysis and Emailed Lab Results, All at a Discount Price!
Does your home have asbestos dust or asbestos fibers floating in the air? Now you can know for sure--especially important if you live in an old house. According to WHO (World Health Organization), currently about 125 Million people worldwide are exposed to asbestos, a leading cause of many types of disease.
Asbestos exposure can lead to severe illness and even death with large exposures. That's right--if you live in an older home and are wondering if those ceiling tiles are asbestos or if there's asbestos dust floating around, do yourself a favor and quickly test it yourself! This top-rated AsbestosTest Kit is easy and simple to use. Asbestos analysis is done at at accredited lab (A2LA for ISO 17025:2017)
and conducted using EPA-approved methods and meet EPA, State and certification agencies requirements.
Each Kit comes complete with everything needed to sample for the amount of Asbestos in the home or office. Simply ship your sample to the lab in the included envelope. The analysis fee is included in the kit purchase price. No surprises or hidden fees. One analysis per kit or sample--either the test strip or piece of material can be submitted. If testing multiple areas, it's usually a good idea to use a separate test kit for each area.
This asbestos test kit allows you to sample either the dust in a room that's on walls, surfaces, in duct work or other areas--or, if you have a small sample of the material you think might be asbestos, we can analyze that, too. Testing surfaces as an air test kit is a good method for particles, since the particles had to go through the air to land on the surface, which indicates their presence in the air.
Each asbestos test kit features an easy to use test strip and a small ziplock bag--just open the package and expose the test strip to surfaces in the room in question, touch surfaces for a sample, place on AC vent or on front of small fan to allow air to blow onto the strip for direct air sampling. Or, if you have a piece of tile or other material that you suspect may have asbestos, you can place up to a 2x2" sample in the plastic bag. Place the test strip in the postage paid envelope and drop in the mail! You'll get your results back promptly, emailed to you within 7-10 days of receipt of the sample at the lab. Standard analysis is PLM (polarized light microscopy) which is a good quality analysis and inexpensive. You can also now choose expedited shipping of the kit--Priority Mail or Express Overnight.
Analysis is done by an Accredited Lab so you can rest assured, it's accurate!
Who Should Use Asbestos Test Kits?
- Educators
- School and Plant Operators
- Industrial Hygienists
- Teacher
- HVAC Engineers
- Building Maintenance Supervisors
- Test and Balance Professionals
- Real Estate Professionals
- Insurance Claim Adjusters
- Homeowners
- Hospital Engineers
- Physicians
- Occupational Health and Safety Professionals
Note: Refunds/replacements are only given on unopened/unused packages.
Results: Note that results are emailed to the email address provided, in the delivery time specified below. If standard processing is chosen, the results will be emailed 7-10 business days from receipt of the sample at the lab. If using the pre-paid envelope included in the kit to mail the sample back, this envelope can take 3-7 business days to get to the lab.
Get Your AsbestosTest Kit Today and BE SURE of what's floating around in your air! Use before you buy a home or rent an apartment!
This Package Includes:
1 Adhesive Collection Strip
1 Small Zip Closure Bag for Larger Samples
1 Instruction Sheet
1 Asbestos Sample Analysis with PLM analysis method, with emailed results
NOTE: Unopened kits are returnable with 25% restocking fee, customer pays shipping back; opened kits are not returnable.